Photography is at the heart of who I am
I want to share the rare, ethereal beauty in the world as I see it. Capturing the essence and experience of a particular place is what I always aim for. Landscape photography is rough, raw, and occasionally dirty work but it feels like a privilege to be lost and alone somewhere looking for an exceptional scene. And then opening that beauty for others to enjoy. I would be out there every day with my camera if I could. And sometimes I am, happily.
— LOSCAR numael

“The place where I was born,
that mote in a cartographer’s eye, interests you?”
— Judith Ortiz Cofer, The Idea of Islands
Loscar Numeal
Born and raised in Puerto Rico, Loscar Numael creates evocative fine art photographs that sensitively mark the ethereal beauty of their locations. Having traveled widely, Numael has built a stunning collection of lush color photographs and sharply observed black-and-white long exposure scenes.
Inspired by the work of several fine art photographers and painters, Numael’s portfolio features many photographs revealing his intimate appreciation for his native Puerto Rico and the lush and lyrical scenes hidden like sub-tropical gems throughout the Caribbean region. Whether he is photographing in the dense green of El Yunque National Forest or out along some wave-battered coastal spot, Numael creates images that are expressive, heartfelt, and compelling.
“I love the purity in landscape photography. No matter all the trouble and limitations in the world, there remains an extraordinary grace in the environment. We’re all benefitted if we pay such places closer attention.”
Loscar Numael lives with his wife in Florida and travels frequently on photography projects.